We have 8+ years of experience & in the field of Fire & Safety

About Tricolor

We are one of the leading Fire protection Engineers, Tricolor Fire & Safety Solutions has a team of professional Engineers in different branches like mechanical, electrical piping etc. We undertake Design, Estimation Engineering, Installation, Testing & commissioning of Fire protection & Detecting Systems. We also take Fire NOC from the Fire and Rescue Dept. We are having professionals from project design, procurement, installation, testing & commissioning of the various Fire fighting systems in time.

Precautionary Tips
  • Install and maintain fire protection systems like extinguishers, alarms, and sprinklers
  • Know the location of fire exits and practice evacuation plans regularly.
  • Avoid overloading electrical outlets and ensure proper wiring.
  • Obtain necessary Fire NOC compliance for commercial buildings.
The premier fire and safety services solution

Services & Facilities

Accident brings tears, fire safety brings cheers.

Our Clients

We provide you with practical actions, advice and resources.


Youth Fire Stop Prevention & Intervention Program.

About Tricolor

At Tricolor, we value every life and property, and we are dedicated to fire safety. Our mission is to prevent and intervene in fires through our specialized Youth Fire Stop Prevention & Intervention Program. We take pride in making a positive impact on communities by promoting fire safety measures and offering high-quality fire prevention products.

  • 369
  • 421
  • 12
  • 8
    Years of Experience